All your blog-friends have fresh new posts beckoning, you have a quilt nearly quilted on the machine, calling you (because you want to show your blog-friends!), and you have your kids planning a revolt because you haven't fed them breakfast, yet, ( it's only 8:24 am... not my fault you were up at 6:15!)...
after feeding the kids...
I have arranged for the boys to entertained elsewhere so I can spend the day with you, QUILTING!
I have so much to tell you, pictures to show you...
So, today I am spending it with you.
It is 8:30 am and we are going into my sewing room

to finish quilting that quilt!
I can't wait to tell you more about this little one: It is going to New York!
I made myself a black tea. Would you like one?
with milk and sugar? (Well, I have goat's milk and Stevia in mine...)
Please, forgive the mess. It's a beautiful quilting mess, you know the one... Hey, I rather have you here with me than spend time cleaning up for the perfect picture. Today we do it without the airbrush! :)
8:40 am
Ok, finding my groove again. Last night it was going so much easier.
Don't you just hate it when you know that you are only an hour away from finishing... (ok, it's never only an hour! ... And the kids really do want a goodnight-kiss, And hubby does want your company, besides charm hexies are calling you from the sofa!!!)
Ok. It's going ok.
Straight stitching, using my walking foot, making sure I pull the bobbin thread up so it will not get tangled on the bottom stitches...
10:10 am
Quilting is going well. Almost done. I hand-basted my quilt so I pull out the threads as I pass that section. I find that 'marking' my lines with my Clover Hera finger-press gives me a crisp line to follow. The stitches are looking good top and bottom!
Oh, Little one, I have missed your humming so... ( Ok, My 'Little' Brother QC1000 is a bit chunky, and can't be moved easily, and she needs to go for her yearly 'spa' cleaning and oiling soon... But she is sooo loved and a really hard worker, too!)
Ok, so you have your tea? I have some great news to share with you. I am so thrilled, I don't even know How to tell you. It's easier if I just show you... go here.
11:30 am
Ok, I am not blushing so hard any more... But it is such exciting news. Again, thank You Amy, for organizing the Blogger's Quilt Festival, Natima for encouraging me to take a chance and join, and all of you who nominated me. It's a tremendous honour.
and most of all to YOU, who I am sharing this with... YOU mean the world to me, dear friends!
And the quilt is done! I think it is... I will now take a picture.
in the meantime I will start thinking of the binding... I am thinking green... hummm, any suggestions?
12:15 pm
Had a few visits from the kids. They are just upstairs and wanted to get some more toys and movies.
They will have their lunch upstairs as well, Yeay!!!
Ok here's a picture. Not a great one, but you get the idea. Don't you find it hard to take a picture of a quilt when you are on your own?
How I wish I had a garden and a clothesline. Humm, maybe I can have a clothesline in my sewing room...

in her own words last night in an e-mail:
No, it does not need to have a house on it.. that was for the first part of this project... I am making the quilts with the house blocks, (aprox 80 quilts) which will be auctioned off at their fundraisers
the charity project it self, is for completed quilts, of any kind that go direct to the families... ;-)
Didn't I tell you?
Please, consider helping! Especially if you are in North America. Your quilt might become part of someone's family history, providing a soft refuge in a harsh reality.
Thank You, Victoria for being you!
12:55 pm
Hubby brought Lunch!!! Chicken Souvlaki for all of us. (I will take a picture!)
So let's take a little break, and I'll be back after I put the boys down for their little siesta.
It has been an unforgettable morning, Thank You!
And I can't believe how much I got done, too!
What a fab and quick lunch: Grilled breast of chicken, in a grilled thick pita, with ripe tomatoes, sweet onions, thick greek yogurt sprinkled with Greek oregano...
My hubb's is topped with french fries, mine with fresh cucumbers... And a tall glass of lemon& lime Mint sparkly delight...
I had to tell him all about my fabulous morning. He just smiled and rushed to read the post!
The boys are not settling down. I can hear them having a party in their bedroom. So I will stay close and work on some charm hexies for now. I haven't counted out how many I have yet. But I have really enjoyed the Moda White Chocolate Candy bars and the Petit Fours. A great way to add little 2 1/2" squares in fabric lines I might otherwise not have access to.
2:40 pm
They fell asleep, finally! I can't wait to get back to finding a binding for Victoria's quilt.
I will first measure the quilt to see how many strips of 2 1/4" I need.
(but first some chocolate...)
3:37 pm
I chose a minty green stripe for the binding. I really like stripe-y bindings!
I have sewn my 6 strips and now I am ironing the binding in half. I always slide the pressed part away from me, so I don't burn my fingers.
I hold the iron in my right hand and slide the folded fabric from left to right, rolling the pressed binding neatly to my right. (if you are a lefty just reverse the process!)
Next I will sewing the binding on.
Couldn't resist taking this picture of the back...
You can see the quilting a bit more...
5:15 pm
The Binding is on!
...and the kiddies are up from their nap. Let's go find them something to nibble on until Daddy comes home from work.
I love the way the binding looks. I think I will start sewing it on as soon as I can. Maybe more pix will follow!
Now I need to trim the excess batting, and prepare my workstation...
I like to quilt or sew on binding resting on the back of an arm-chair or sofa.
This has been such fun...
and we haven't gotten to the cruise pix yet!
We'll leave that for another day?
Thank you so much for sharing this lovely day with me!
Oh Valentina...thanks for the tea!! and i am sure in most of the patchers and quiltersrooms it looks like yours!!...and we don`t have a mess...just having creative ideas lying around...isn`t that a good excuse?? the looks of your quilt sofar and i am to "addicted"to to see yours!!
ReplyDeletegreetings from Holland...Francien.
Groetjes, Francien! Oh, I am so happy to have you here with me! Welcome to my mess!
ReplyDeleteTell me what are you up to this morning?
Wooohoo, you go girl!!
ReplyDeleteOooh I feel like I'm there with you....
Don't let me distract you... I'll go get my own cuppa :-)
Oh how I know how you feel *grin*
Hey Robs! Thinking of YOU! :)
ReplyDeleteremember that sew-along we were planning that never happened?
Well, we'll do it our own way!
What are you up to?
Wat een goed idee! Ik kom lekker bij je zitten, en neem de Home Sweet Home quilt voor Frauke mee, want die moet ook eens af,...
En ja, zooooooo herkenbaar van de kinderen,... en man,.... en huisdieren,.... en tig mailtjes die be-antwoord moeten worden,....
Dus ik verstop me bij jou!
Ingrid, Welkom!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so happy you are here. I missed you, :) I am so sorry about your dad, my friend. How is your mom doing?
Oh please, I have been dying to see your Home Sweet Home, up close.
Thanks for bringing it along! Here, you get the seat by the window.
Oh Valentina I clicked the link and read up on you. You are one amazing and inspirational woman and I can relate to everything you have said. If only more people did patchwork there would be less trouble in the world and in the very least a few more souls would be soothed. I like the idea of airbrushing the messy house. As my daughter pointed out that my whole house is a sewing room as it migrates all over the place.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your freedom today.
Love Shirley.
ReplyDeleteWell I haven't had my cuppa yet... got distracted
Ummmm, I'm presently doing an email catch up and today has been a ferrety kind of day for me. Should have knuckled down more, but my brain is lazy...mwah ha ha
Gotta get dinner soon. It's 5.15pm here.
How's your quilting going?
Goodmorning Shirley! Hey I could used to talking to you every morning!
ReplyDeleteOh I am thrilled you liked the article! I am still pinching myself... :)
Amy wrote me I had been nominated while I was in Holland. so I answered a few questions and forgot all about it! (so much going on!)
But I am thrilled...
Shirley, are you staying a while, should I get you a cuppa?
Wooohoooo congratulations on a superb interview!!!! You go girl!!
ReplyDeleteI knew I loved you before and now I do even more, cause you're one of my sort of people.
I knew that laready ;)
I hope you're going to share this with our hexie sisters too :-)...or may be I might need to *grin*
I particularly love your quote..
” What do you do with your time?” “I Quilt” “What is quilting?” “Oh, let me show you…” Another one bites the dust!:)
Yep ditto to that and Amen!!
Hugs to you my quilting sister!!!
How's the quilting going now?
O Robyn...
ReplyDeleteSince you know me, you know that I am blushing so hard my head is about to explode... You tell our hexi-sisters... I didn't even know how to tell YOU!
nearly done quilting!
Ok you very modest quilty woman... I will share your news with our hexie sisters!
ReplyDeleteHugs and congrats!!!
ReplyDeleteI am still beet-red!
Where is Nadine when you need her... She would have already deflected the situation with her multitude of XOXOXOXOX'S!!!!
missing you, Nadine, hoping you are having a great time in Porvence!
Oh and a big hello to Ingrid and Shirley who I don't know... lovely to meet you ladies!
ReplyDeleteA little birdie told our hexie sisters :-)
Miss you too Nadine!!
ReplyDeletexxxxxooooooxxxxx :p
Goodmorning dear friend! Just love to sit with you and enjoy a cup of your tea!! (whish I could in person....!)
ReplyDeleteWat een heerlijk artikel over jou at Bloggers Quilt Festival! I so enjoyed it!! Great to read about your lovely boys, husband and your beautiful quilts!
Je hebt al die lof echt verdiend, lieverd!!
Enjoy it and thanks for sharing yourself and your beautiful projects with all of us!
You're an inspiration!! En dat ben je echt!!!!!
Heel veel liefs!!
Oh, Ria! How excited to have you back!
ReplyDeleteHow was your vacation?
I am so happy you are here so I can share this news with YOU, mijn Lief!
Lots of things to unpack, I hope you get settled back home soon!
I missed you...
Hi Ria!!
ReplyDeleteLovely to see you here too :-)
Oh... I really should go get dinner now.
Have fun girls :-)
I hope there is a spare seat for me! I will have milk and sugar in my tea please.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Valentina on your feature! It was lovely to read it and I feel the same way as you do about our craft. You are a beautiful soul.
Congratulations once again here in person. I've left you a comment on the interview too. Thanks for a cuppa, I like my white with one thanks - It's wonderful to spend the day with you! Enjoy the rest of your visitors - Hugs Nat
ReplyDelete:)) Missed you too!!
ReplyDeleteOur vacation was great! We went to a very peaceful camping-site, surrounded by woods! In the morning you only hear the birds singing: lovely!
We have to unpack quite a few things..... ;) (also quilty things, ofcourse....)
But it's great to be back here! And it's so great to read about your adventure this morning!!!!
Welcome, Sue-Anne! Oh, wow! How exciting, don't worry you can get Robyn's seat, she needs to cook dinner now. But hopefully she's be back later.
ReplyDeleteHow are You, Sue-Ann? What project did you bring along?
Oh, Welcome Nat!
ReplyDeleteI am sure you'll want to go and sit with Ria!
It's getting crowded, but don't worry there is room for all of us.
Natima, did you bring some of your dyed work to show us?
It's just great to be with you and meet all of your blogging-sisters!! We'll have a great day!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy!! :))
Have some unpacking to do, so I'll be back later!! ;))
I did enjoy my visit. How I would love to be able to spend a day with each of my Blog sisters! I have been following Miss Victoria for a year now, she is indeed a remarkable lady, with energy to spare. I'm sure she will be delighted with your quilt.XX
ReplyDeleteGood morning Valentina...I'm sitting here with my cuppa tea enjoying your post today, sorry it's been some time since I've dropped in to say hello Your quilt is lovely and she is truly going to love it well time to go and do more visiting have an enjoyable day!!
HI Everyone, I've brought hexies to do for Swan Lake's third border. Too bad Robyn had to leave to cook dinner - my eldest bought around pizza for tea Yay! no cooking for me tonight, more time for sewing!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove the quilt Valentina, so bright and cheerful!
Hi Sandy! And welcome back, Sue-Ann! This is so much fun knowing you are working on your hexies! I found a nice binding for my quilt: minty green stripe. Cutting it now.
Now that Amy has shared you with the whole wide world you will have a lot more blogs to keep up with I'm sure! Thank you for sharing your day, it was delightful.
ReplyDeleteSally, Welcome to my sewing room, I can't believe I am getting so much done. It is a bit crowded at the moment, but we'll find you a spot.
ReplyDeleteI am just now finishing preparing my binding.
I hope you are not right, and I do not have to spread myself thinner. I would love to lose some pounds, yes! LOL
Hello again everyone, this time I have a cup of Earl Grey tea, milk no sugar, and a bowl of strawberries. I am contemplating what to do with the scraps from the fussy cut hexagons. I am trying to get hold of some more fabric - if not it will be plan B and lots of joins in odd places but I could just do it. This is fun, we should do it more often.
ReplyDeleteLove Shirley.x
Hi Shirley! Welcome back! Yumm strawberries... :)
ReplyDeleteDo you mean your left-over fabric? What do you have in mind? I would probably keep it for a a future scrappy project. I collect scraps and try to group them into colours. :)
I almost felt I was sitting in your sewing room with you dear friend. It is all quiet here as well - siesta time - so I am catching up with my friend! Congratulations, the interview is fab. And your quilt for Victoria is lovely - are as all these hexies. You are so productive and such an inspiration. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED spending the day with you!!! How fun to have an interview and let us get to know you better!!
ReplyDeleteWoo-Hoo on everything you got accomplished!!
A messy sewing room usually means I'm busy being creative.
Thank you, Celine and Welcome!
ReplyDeleteHow fun to have you join us. Isn't this fun?
Isn't Nap-time blissful?
ReplyDeleteWelcome, Lori! A messy sewing room means I have been away toooooo long!
Oh this is such a lovely day spending it with you. So what creativity is brewing today, Lori?
I am so happy this quilt is almost done as I am itching to get back to quilting Strawberry Fields!
I have less than a fat quarter and some really scrappy bits to use on the borders. I am thinking out loud now and wondering if I cut just cut circles of different sizes in the scraps and scatter them in the border, or odd hexagons in the scraps and scattered over the border. Now that sounds like Plan C and Plan D. Nice Minty fabric for the binding.
Your binding is perfect for your quilt Valentina and Shirley, my mouth is watering over the thought of some fresh strawberries!
ReplyDeleteWell it is time for me to go now, it is 11.30pm and I am very tired so night night everyone and enjoy the rest of your day chatting and sewing together. This has been FUN!!!!
Shirley, I think you are onto something... ok, I am thinking out loud now: Imagine appliqueing your hexi-top 'unto' a border, and have some hexies 'spill' appliqued unto that border... Or like what Sue-Anne is doing, appliqueing hexi-flowers. Maybe gathered at the corners...
ReplyDeleteWow, it's going to be stunning what ever you decide!
It really has! Thank you, sweet dreams, Sue- Anne!
Hi you famous person :)) any room left, will even accept a seat on the balcony, brought my hexies along to quilt and chat at the same time!! What a great article! How are your cheeks doing? Just like Ria said: je verdient het!!! Gorgeous quilt you have made for that special project! Glad you can't see my seewing room :)) Heaps and piles everywhere but it's a good sign, means I am busy. Have to do some spring euhh summer cleaning but first things first even if it concerns quilting LOL, or should I say especially!! You had a wonderful day with all those lovely quiltingfriends who came to visit you, poored cups of tea, little chocolate on the side, hmmm thanks, it tastes good. Have fun, lots of hugs, Daniëlle XXXD
ReplyDeleteAlways room for YOU, Daantje! Are you working on your hexies for tomorrow? That's dedication! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words, my friend.
I've really enjoyed my visit with you this morning, my quilting sister. I'm so happy to have more insight into your life. I knew from the beginning that you have such an incredible way of being so much to so many. Now I see that you are a teacher also and that you are trained at understanding and helping people. How wonderful! What an incredible marriage of talents!~ It makes me smile in my heart to know that you doing what you love and teaching so many at the same time. All the while, juggling being the best wife and mother ever!
ReplyDeleteI really love your sewing room! It's so bright and cheerful. Your quilt is also!and will be loved by someone forever. I'm off to read more about this wonderful organization. HUGS, my friend. A special thank you for sharing this morning with us all!
I was saving you a seat, Sandra! Thanks for coming and you didn't even need to take the ferry to get here.
ReplyDeleteIt has been an incredible day, and I love the fact that we can share these special moments together.
So what will you be working on?
Yes, no ferry! Although, I wouldn't mind being on it so much with you! I try to take a little sewing along with me on it, since it's 45 min. ea. way. We could chat away and watch the dolphins swimming in the wake.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be working on Ethan's quilt today, finishing up the hand quilting. Not much longer now and I will have him in my arms on Sunday! I've been acquiring all the needed accoutrements. I'd forgotten how many items a baby needs! Such fun! He will find his new quilt in his "pack n play". I've found a stroller with large wheels for our dirt roads and on the beach....
So, today I'm daydreaming of this, as I finish Ethan's quilt. A little "tidying up also", have to have the house spic n span!
Enjoy your day and know that you are in my thoughts, my sister... XO
I can't imagine the joy when you see finally see him!
ReplyDelete... I am tearing up!
I am with you. I will be helping you with the cleaning and then ferry stitching! yes! AND Dolphins!
And then you quilt while I finish my binding, ok?
So many things to congratulate you about! First congrats on being featured over at Amy's. As soon as I'm done here, I'm going to read her post in full. Secondly, congrats on getting that beautiful quilt done. It looks fabulous! I'm glad you had such an awesome quilting day.
ReplyDeleteOhh, Valentina, wat een geweldige posting heb je er van gemaakt! we hebben helemaal een dag met je mee kunnen leven, en aan het eind dan ook nog ao,n geweldige quilt....petje af hoor |( versta je dat...) Erg leuk om een dag met je op pad te gaan.
ReplyDeletegroetjes, jeannet
You are too funny, thanks for letting us "spend" the day with you!! Don't know how you got so much done with all the blogging!! Great quilt :).
ReplyDeleteJust now came back to your blog Valentina....and tell you what a lovely day it was reading all your really felt a bit like being there with you and at some point i wanted to write "i look after the go on quilting"..funny isn`t it?!...i also read the lovely had some "crowd"there today in your was fun...and i have read the interview too...know you a bit better now...
ReplyDeletei am off..walk the dog...take a shower and go to sleep..a new day starts at 5.30 pm...
greetings and thank you
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your feature. Well deserved.
World clock tells me it's the end of an amazing day for you. I so enjoyed peaking in during my first day as Grama.
I'm enjoying morning coffee strong and black. Your quilt is lovely and will go to a good cause. I'm doing some blanket stitching on an orphan left with some sister quilters here in Australia. Cadel has a project for himself and Grandpa today so I miight get some stitching done.
Oh HI to the rest of you glad to have your company.
What an amazing day you've had & congratulations on the feature & love the completed quilt too! Wish I could have been there will all of you but unfortunately had to go to work :(
ReplyDeleteMaybe another time eh? May I book my seat in advance? LOL
What a special day everybody had! I'm catching up on all the comments and replies now. You're a busy, busy gal, Valentina.
ReplyDeleteI read your featured article on the Blogger's Festival site and enjoyed that so much. You're a beautifully expressive writer! Congrat's on such an honor.
I enjoyed spending the morning with you, hmmmm, actually it is afternoon here as we are ahead of your time, since we are on the other side of the world. Anyway, just wanted to thank you for a few happy hours chatting away and having a drink (mine is coffee, always is). Cheerio Vreni
ReplyDeleteA lovely post Valentina :) I particularly like the blue quilt! Happy crafting, Jenny
ReplyDeleteWauwwwww wat ben je goed bezig!!!! prachtig gewoon; groetjes yvonne
ReplyDeleteAch wat jammer dat ik er gisteren niet was. Ik had graag bij je aangeschoven met mijn kloslap zodat ik verder kan gaan met het quilten ervan maar helaas ik was gister en eergisteren even niet aanwezig, verjaardag van mijn pap gisteren (hij is niet meer bij ons) en eergisteren sterfdag van mijn broertje die vorig jaar is overleden dus ik had even tijd voor mezelf nodig.
ReplyDeleteIk vind wel dat je prachtige werkstukken hebt gemaakt en dat je veel doet in een dag. Erg leuk dat je ons zo mee laat genieten.
En ja het lijkt me leuk om samen verder te gaan met de Antieke van Guute, ik ben idd ook nog niet zover hiermee ben nu bezig met het knippen van de 28 sterren. Trouwens ook nog bedankt voor je reactie op mijn log.
Sorry I missed such a lovely get-together.
ReplyDeleteSounds like everyone had a fab's great to catch up.
Congrats Valentina on all the good stuff! The quilt you are sending for BASICS is ADORABLE!!!! How did I miss this! I feel your energy all the way over here... ;-) You are so appreciated!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful quilt! And I love your blog, too!